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November 2021 Marketing Wrap-up: LinkedIn Features, Google Updates and Anti-Social

During the month that our TVs began to be flooded with Christmas adverts and UK consumers account for over 10% of global Black Friday searches, it's certainly been a busy month! So it's no surprise that you might have missed some of the latest news from the world of marketing! But worry not, here's our quick wrap-up to bring you up to speed!


LinkedIn Enhances Creator Mode Features

Gone are the days when LinkedIn was solely used as a digital CV, as a result, last year we saw the introduction of LinkedIn Creator Mode designed specifically for Industry Thought Leaders and those who regularly share content with their network. During November, LinkedIn has added more features to enhance creator mode, including:

  • ability to host live video broadcasts direly from your profile

  • Options to send newsletters to connections via in-app notifications and email

  • the opportunity to increase followers through suggested creator features.

Head over to LinkedIn to learn more about the new features, or if you're ready to turn on Creator mode, head here to make the switch!


Google releases latest core algorithm update

Now we all know that Google releases regular algorithm updates. However, the timing of November's update caught many by surprise as Google decided to roll out during one of the busiest online shopping periods of the year. What was the change? As with the Google Algorithm... we don't know. We never do. However, we do know it was a broad update which means it wasn't targeting anything specific and was a general update to improve the performance of the ranking algorithm to display relevant and useful content for searchers.

The update took 13 days to roll out, running from the 17th - 21st November. This means, during or post this time frame, brands may have experienced spikes or drops in rankings as their content is reassessed alongside other published content.

Unfortunately, there is no gaming the system when it comes to SEO. However our best advice? Create great content that helps people. Write for people, not algorithms.


All Reviews, Good and Bad, Are Valuable

We couldn't skip over a second interesting guidance update from Google during November when they updated documents to read: "[Google] value all reviews: Reviews are useful for potential customers when they're honest and objective. Customers find a mix of positive and negative reviews more trustworthy." While many marketers have believed the importance of authentic reviews are more valuable for brand perception, it's great to provide business owners with the reassurance too. Looking to learn how to easily drive more reviews? Head over to our blog for free templates.


Cosmetics Retailer Lush became Anti-Social

The Lush brand is no stranger to activism and standing up for what they believe in. So it should be no surprise to anyone when it came to calling out social media platforms for their lack of focus on user welfare improvements, they decided to take action.

From the 26th of November, the retailer has stopped all social media activity across Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat across the globe.

“As an inventor of bath bombs, I pour all my efforts into creating products that help people switch off, relax and pay attention to their wellbeing. Social media platforms have become the antithesis of this aim, with algorithms designed to keep people scrolling and stop them from switching off and relaxing.” Jack Constantine, CDO & Product Inventor

What impact this will have on Lush's marketing and advertising strategy remains unknown, and some are calling this a PR stunt. However, one thing is evident. Lush knows who they are and they're making sure their actions support their brand values.

Head over to the Lush Press Release to read more about their decision to become anti-social.


We hope you enjoyed and learned something from this quick wrap-up of marketing news.

As always, If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with us, contact us here.



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